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Some developers of Google Smart Glass are no longer optimistic about the future development prospects

Author: Release time: 2024-12-06 03:30:14 View number: 18

Some developers of Google Smart Glass are no longer optimistic about the future development prospects


It's been more than two years since Google Glass debuted, but this rather modern product is still not officially available. According to a new report from Reuters, some developers are no longer optimistic about the future development prospects of Google Glass. Of the 16 developers interviewed, nine said they had given up on developing third-party apps for Google Glass due to time constraints. When asked why they abandoned Google Glass, the developers said that the lack of ownership and poor battery life were the main factors. Three of the developers said they had switched to developing commercial software with more customers. While Google Glass is now available to the average consumer, the $1,500 price clearly means that Google Glass is currently in beta. Not only that, but Google has once again postponed the launch plan of the official version of Google Glass, and has not announced a specific time. While the outlook for the mass consumer market is somewhat uncertain, Google Glass is popular in the industrial and medical sectors. At present, some GM employees have used Google Glass for product inspection on the production line, and the University of California, Irvine has also shown the surgical process of the surgeon to students through Google Glass, so that students can have a more intuitive learning experience. In an interview with Reuters, Tom Frencel, CEO of Little Guy Games, said that if Google Glass reached 200 million units sold, the situation would be completely different. However, due to ownership constraints, Tome Frencel's company has put the development of games for Google Glass on hold in favor of the Oculus Rift. Still, Google doesn't seem to be worried. Chris O'Neill, head of commercial operations for Google Glass, told Reuters that they remain bullish on Google Glass's future development prospects in the wearable device space. (Note: The content of this article comes from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, if you need to delete it, please contact kaity@yichao.cn) Related reading: Frame lenses。

