Protect Your Eyes With Blue Light Glasses
Are you spending hours on your computer, smartphone, or other digital device? If so, you're exposing your eyes to harsh blue light that can cause eye strain. Learn more about light wavelengths, common causes of eye strain, and all about blue light glasses. Discover how these digital eyeglasses may be able to protect your eyes and help you get a great night's sleep.
How Light Affects Your Eyes
The different colors of light are caused by different wavelengths. As the wavelengths increase, the light moves from blue to green, yellow, orange, and then red. Increased wavelengths reduce the risk of eye damage from long-term exposure to this form of light.
Smaller wavelengths have an increased frequency. High-frequency light can be damaging to your eyes. Extreme light frequency is ultraviolet light, which not only damages your eyes but is the cause of your skin being sunburned. Just like sunscreen for your body, prescription blue light glasses are designed to protect your eyes from the damaging effects of blue light.
Research is still being conducted on these lenses. There are early signs that blue light filtering technology may protect your eyes, particularly from continued exposure to computer screens.
Sources of Blue Light
The most common natural source of blue light is the sun. This form of light affects your body's circadian rhythm, which helps prepare you for sleep at night and wakes you in the morning. Natural rhythms of blue light throughout the day aren't necessarily damaging to your eyes.