24-hour report of at-home optometry InstaRx delivers contact lenses to your door
24-hour report of at-home optometry InstaRx delivers contact lenses to your door
Telemedicine companies can allow patients to receive treatment at home,
This is usually faster and cheaper than going to the hospital in person.
1-800-CONTACTS, an online retailer of contact lenses, is a mainstream company that endorses telehealth technology.
Recently, we have partnered with Opternative, a Chicago-based start-up.
Allow patients to refraction online and get glasses at home.
The new service is called InstaRx.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 75% of adults in the U.S. need to wear corrective contact lenses.
And more than 30 million people wear contact lenses every day.
The cooperation between the two companies is aimed at this market with huge potential.
Aaron Dallek, CEO and co-founder of Opternative, said,
Users can take a simple vision test at home through the company's mobile app and web page
The collected data is then sent to a local licensed ophthalmologist for analysis and evaluation.
The doctor will give you a recommendation within 24 hours, and this series of services is only $40.
Kellen Fowler, Head of Business Development at 1-800-CONTACTS, said,
Prior to the official launch of the InstaRx service, the company had been piloting and testing.
During that time, a total of 5,500 users experienced.
1-800-CONTACTS also followed up to investigate the accuracy of refraction and user satisfaction.
He added that 1-800-CONTACTS also conducts internal quality inspections,
Make sure Opternative meets their quality standards.
Today, the service is available to users aged 18 to 50 in 36 states that recognize telehealth services.
But Opternative was opposed by a lobby called the American Optometric Association.
He complained of violating FDA regulations.
However, state law is more restrictive on telehealth companies than the FDA.
Dallek said Opternative's technology is rated a first-class medical device,
The company is also registered with the FDA.
The company later explained in an email:
"Although the technology adopted by Opternative has not been officially introduced to the market as a medical device,
This is for the sole use of the company's licensed ophthalmologists, but we guarantee that we are in full compliance with FDA requirements and federal regulations. ”
To date, Opternative has received a total of $9.5 million in venture capital.
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